Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I mentioned in this post that M and my past time in the winter is snowboarding.  It is something that we have been able to do together since we started dating, and I hope that we can continue this activity for many more years.
Snowboarding has been a little bittersweet for me the last few years.  I remember in the first years that we were married M telling me how he couldn’t wait for our kids to be old enough so that he could teach them how to snowboard and how we would be one of those families that are up there every weekend snowboarding all weekend and grilling in the parking lot for lunch.  It’s a picture perfect dream for a young couple.
Many of our friends have children old enough to snowboard now.  I am happy to see that they can bring their whole family and enjoy the day together.  It makes me long for M’s dream.
We do get to share part of this with our family and friends.  M took his nephew snowboarding for the first time this year he is 6.  I love this picture and how they have the same stance.  Our nephew had a great day and begs to go again.  I only wish he lived closer (5 hours away) so that we could do this together more.  My friend has asked me to take her 14 year old daughter up snowboarding one day this winter.  Her daughter is a beginner but loves to go and as my friend has 5 kids and doesn’t know how to snowboard herself she has asked me to take her for a day.  I am excited to be able to do this with my friends daughter, hopefully we can schedule a day this month together.
Even though M’s dream of teaching our children to snowboard didn’t happen, we are able to share this activity with other special children in our lives.  And a benefit, we get to drop the tired and wet kids off to their parents!


  1. beautiful photo!

    I completely understand your feelings. It is great way to look on your life and see the influence you can have on the special children that are part of your lives.

    I also have some children that are special to me. Just yesterday I got a great compliment from my best friend. She said that her two kids (aged 4 and 5) constantly ask her when Klara will visit them again. Isn't it nice?

    Those two children have lots of aunties and uncles... but they are all busy raising their own kids and do not give much attention to them. And kids really know how to appreciate 100 % attention.

    I had 7 aunts and uncles, but I didn't and don't have strong connection with anybody. I guess they were also just too busy with their own lives and their own children.

    And I am a proud auntie to 2 adorable nieces. The little is just an infant. But the older (4 years) really loves me. What a beautiful feeling!

    1. Klara,

      I have lots of aunts and uncles, but wasn't really close with any of them as they all had their own big families, so I really understand what you are saying.

      I do feel lucky to be able to forge special relationships with some of the children that surround my life.

  2. Oh how I remember those feelings! While they are special, you see what you're missing. Sigh. Hugs.

  3. I'm glad you get to share this with your nephew and friend's daughter. They'll always remember those special times with you.
